Wednesday, 1 February 2012

January Wrap Up - 2012 TBR Reading Challenge

If you have been keeping up with the blog, then you know I am participating in the '2012 TBR Reading Pile Challenge'. Each month there is a wrap up post to be written, and a contest to be entered. I would have had this entry up yesterday except that the book contest kept me scouring other blogs for book covers for hours, and I still only got 11/12 of them!! Oh well. That's OK. I only knew 3 right away! Good contest though, I really liked it. So, on with my wrap up post.

This month I managed to read 5 books on my challenge list, however I started a little early and had 2 done before December was over. I'll count those anyway, as they were on my official challenge list. I did read a few others as well, which also fall into this category, but I'll stick with my initial 40 book list for contest purposes.
The five I read and posted about were:

The Book Thief

You can click the picture to take you to their reviews if you like.
I also read Delirium by Lauren Oliver, and the Vampire Diaries books #2 and #3, which fall into the older books category, but again, were not on my contest list.

Some February reads I plan to get through are:
Second Life of Bree Tanner, the Twilight novella (which I have already started)
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (don't think that's on my list)
The fourth Vampire Diaries (again, not on my list)
Lola and the Boy Next Door.

So, only 2 from my list, but that's OK, I'm making good progress :)

I'm having fun with this challenge, although looking at my list there are some that I'm not that excited about reading. I'll  have to start them soon, because it takes me awhile to get through a book I'm not excited about, because I'll read others in between. But, you never know, I could be pleasantly surprised and end up loving one of them!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post hun! Glad to see you read so many books. ~ Donna :)
