Back of the Book Synopsis: In the summer of 1977, Victoria Leonard's world changed forever - when Caitlin Somers chose her as a friend. Dazzling, reckless Caitlin welcomed Vix into the heart of her sprawling, eccentric family, opening doors to a world of unimaginable privilege, sweeping her away to vacations on Martha's Vineyard, a magical, wind-blown island where two friends became summer sisters...
Now, years later, Vix is working in New York City. Caitlin is getting married on the Vineyard. And the early magic of their long, complicated friendship has faded. But Caitlin has begged Vix to come to her wedding, to be her maid of honor. And Vix knows that she will go - for the friend whose casual betrayals she remembers all too well. Because Vix wants to understand what happened during that last shattering summer. And, after all these years, she needs to know why her best friend - her summer sister - still has the power to break her heart....
Why I Read This Book: I own this book, and inside is written "To Jess, for Christmas '04, because you're the closest thing to a sister and the best friend I could ever have! I hope you like this half as much as I do! <3 Anna." So that basically explains that, it was given to me as a gift, and I read it. I have never been a big Judy Blume reader (not because I didn't like her, but as I have mentioned before, I was consumed with all things Sweet Valley). I didn't know she wrote 'adult' novels.
Review: Well, as I said above this is one of my favorite books. I have made a choice not to get into the books details any more that what you would get on the back of the book, so with that being said, here goes:
This book is very well written. It transitions from the perspective of all the characters in the story very seamlessly so you have a idea what each person thinks of the situation. The books story over the course of several years flows very well. It is engaging, and therefore a very quick read. From the little bit of Judy Blume I have read, it seems the only difference in her 'adult' books to her younger audience ones, is the addition of sex. Summer Sisters is still an easy read, and about three quarters of the book is written about the girls as children or teenagers.
I really liked this book. It made me think about friendship, and it made me nostalgic for summer. It is a fantastic book, and I constantly recommend it to people.
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