Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Top Ten Tuesday - October 23rd 2012

Hello Everyone!

Another Tuesday is here, therefore another Top Ten Tuesday post is too! This week's list is:

Top Ten Books To Get In The Halloween Spirit

I'm not sure I'll actually be able to get a full 10 on this list using only books I have read, so I might pick some books that I think seem like they would get one in the Halloween spirit! So, here goes:

Books I have Actually Read

1) The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris
These books have all kinds of creatures that go bump in the night, so they are perfect for getting into the Halloween spirit!

2) The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith
The town of Fell's Church seems like it is in permanent Halloween status!

3) Sweet Valley Halloween Books

These books were everything to me growing up, and since I thought the genie costume on the front of the 'Kids' edition was THE BEST costume ever, it would feel wrong not to include these.

The Haunted House (Sweet Valley Twins, #3)

That's about all I can think of for books I have read. I'm not going to include paranormal books just because they are paranormal. I only picked ones that really have that Halloween feel. So, some from my TBR list that seem like they also might are:

4) The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Creepiest sounding title anyway! 
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)

5) Feed by Mira Grant
Nothing else from paranormal feels as Halloween to me as zombies!
Feed (Newsflesh, #1)

6) Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendra Blake
Again, just sounds creepy!
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)

7) Drink Slay Love by Sarah Beth Durst
The cover for me is pretty Halloween

Drink, Slay, Love

8) The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michell Hodkin
This books sounds pretty stange and creepy

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1)

9) Hannibal Lecter Series by Thomas Harris
If these books are not the most frightening thing ever (I saw glimpses of the movie) I don't know what is!

10) Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Seems creepy on a relatively endearing level



  1. I'm reading the Sookie series now and love it. I tried to get through the Vampire Diaries but started watching the series on tv at the same time so I stopped. I'll have to check out the other ones - I always need something to add to my Goodreads list. And Sweet Valley High! There's a flash back!!! :-)

    1. The Sookie series is good, I have finished up to book 3. I also watch True Blood though, and I think the show is better. Same for the Vampire Diaries, the show is better, but the books are still good too. I have 2 more of those left to read.
      I have a CRAZY long TBR list of Goodreads if you wanted to take a look!! haha, I keep adding to it, and it will never be finished!
      Sweet Valley anything was my life! haha, I used to write fan fic of it before I knew what fan fic was (and I have never done it again since, but still!)

  2. I already own a few Sookie's books and I have a lot of others on my TBR pile. Great list!

    My TTT

  3. Great picks! I'm actually reading Blackout right now, love the newsflesh trilogy! Also. I love me some Sookie Stackhouse series!

  4. I love Sweet Valley. I'm sure I have the Sweet Valley Twins book in my parents' house somewhere... Great list!

  5. Loved Anna! Several of those others are on my TBR list. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Tuesday! :D

  6. Awww Sweet Valley! I still have a bunch of those Halloween specials in my bookshelf!

  7. Love Anna and Mara! I want to read The Forest of Hands and Teeth. And Sweet Valley High is an AWESOME choice too. Thanks for stopping by my list!

  8. New follower here. Going to have to check out The forest of hands and feet. Feel free to check out my list...http://asoutherngirlsbookshelf.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-ten-tuesdayhalloween-spirit.html

  9. Ooh I really liked Feed & Anna Dressed in Blood. A few of the others are on my reading list, and will hopefully get to soon. Awesome list :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  10. Great list! Coraline is one of the Neil Gaiman books I haven't read yet but I can see why it would make this list.

  11. I had a difficult time with this week's TTT. There are a few books that are on my TBR List that I think will be good Halloween books, but I haven't read them yet so I did include them. I should have done what you did, though. Good idea!

    I tried reading Anna Dressed in Blood a few months ago, but I wasn't feeling it. But, from what I read, it definitely would be a good Halloween book.

    Here's my TTT

  12. Oooooo, Feed, I LOVED FEED! I really need to read the rest of those. And The Forest of Hands and Teeth is great also. Coraline should be on here for sure.

  13. Anna Dressed in Blood horrifies me on many levels...the cover...the title....Don't think that will be a book I'll read!

  14. Great list! I wasn't a huge fan of Anna in general, but I loved the few creepy scenes that were in it. Mara Dyer, however, was AWESOME.

  15. I LOVE FEED! =) So good! Apparently I need to check out In the Forest because a lot of people have included that series this week!

    Thanks for stoppin' by my blog!

  16. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer IS creepy and all kinds of awesome! If you haven't read that one, you must! haha

    Happy Halloween!
