Hello Everyone!
So, you may or may not have noticed, but over the last month I have just not been into blogging, and really haven't been doing much reading either... (which I completely blame of Sons of Anarchy!! But my TV life is a whole other story!!)
I've been doing some thinking about my blog, and I really do love writing it, but sometimes I feel a lot of pressure. There are so many AMAZING book blogs out there, that I feel like I don't compare at all. I constantly feel pressure to have more books read so I can post more reviews to the point where it doesn't feel
fun anymore. I'm sure I'm not the only person out there who has felt this way at one point or another over the life of their blog.
Some conclusions that I have come to are:
- I need to make this a ME blog, and not just a book blog. I still want to keep mt title, and have it remain a mostly book related content, but I think posting about other things I'm doing will help keep the pressure off reading becoming a chore instead of a love.
- With that, you can expect to see some posts about the following:
- TV Shows
- Movies
- Crafting things I do
- My Dog
- My Life in General
- I think that by adding these things in, not only will my readers get to know me as a whole person, but I will feel more connected to my blog and that will show in the quality of things I do on here as well. I think it's just best for me, the blog, and my readers.
- Another thing is, Twitter. I really tried to get into tweeting, and I actually kind of like doing it, but I read to many things on Twitter that I didn't want to see! I am way too busy to watch most of my shows when they come on, so I normally end up a season behind most things (Netflix and I are BFF) and lots of people live tweet though things and spoil it! Its infuriating! So, I don't think I will be doing much tweeting. Just so you know why :)
That's about all I wanted to say on that. Now on to the TTT Goodness!
For anyone who doesn't know, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by some lovelies over at
The Broke and The Bookish! So go check it out!
This week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Authors in X Genre
I think I'm going to do it sort of the same way
Kelly from the Broke and The Bookish did, and pick more genre's and do a few from each!
Top Three Favorite Contemporary Romance Authors:
Stephanie Perkins
All Hail Stephanie Perkins and her lovely lovely adorable books. If you haven't read Anna and the French Kiss, shame shame on you! This book has all the feel good warm fuzzies, the "OMG KISS" factor, and the relatableness that is so important in YA contemporary romance books. She is amazing.
Megan McCafferty
What a fantastic series McCafferty wrote (yes, I'm looking at you Jessica Darling). This book series IS the teen girl experience. There was so many times that Jessica could have been me in high school (we even have the same name!) These books are fantastic. Also, Bumped is a great book too. A great dystopian book, still littered with teen romance. She is fabulous.
Sarah Dessen
Contemporary romance: nailed it.
She is fantastic, and I rack myself with guilt that I have only opened myself to her grandness recently. I need more Sarah Dessen in my life!
Top Four Favorite Fantasy Authors:
J.K. Rowling
No explaination needed, buuut. She rocked the world's socks off, seriously. Harry Potter actually changed me, and very few books have done that.
Cassandra Clare
I haven't even read that much by her, only 3 of her books, but even while reading other good books I can't stop myself from thinking "I wish I was finished this so I could start the next Mortal Instruments book" That's how much I just love them. The Infernal Devices too. Clockwork Prince was great. If I wasn't working so hard on trying to clean up some old TBR list stuff, I would have devoured them all long ago. She has a fantastic, enthralling writing style.
Richelle Mead
The fact that it took me so long to read a book by her is amazing. I only started the Vampire Academy books a short time ago, and I'm already hooked! They are great stories. She rocks.
Stephenie Meyer
I enjoyed the Twilight novels, but she wouldn't have made this list for those. However, I recently finished The Host, and I
loved that book. Wow, it was fantastic. If anyone is staying away from it because they didn't like Twilight, you shouldn't. It's an emotional roller-coaster of goodness. Go read it!
Top Three Favorite Dystopian Authors
Lauren Oliver
Delirium is great, Pandemonium is great, can't wait for Requiem! Oliver is a fantastic author, I have Before I Fall and I can't wait to get to it. I'm even planning to pick up Liesel and Po just to have more of her! She really is amazing.
Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games is what I attribute my love of Dystopian to. I had read (and loved) other dystopian books (like Ender's Game) but I wouldn't have been able to classify a love for this genre until this series. She is such an engaging, exciting author. I hope that what she comes out with next is also great!
Veronica Roth
For a debut novel, Divergent was awesome! I fell in love with Tris and Four and that world. Insurgent was amazing too. Whatever happens next, I can't wait to get my hands on it. She is fantastic, and I hope she keeps it up!
Anyway, that's all for me today. Whew, this was a long post. PS all the authors names link to their individual websites, so if you want more info on them, pop by and say hello!