Goodreads Summary: Pestered by her close New Jersey family, Stephanie Plum offers to catch high-school crush Joe Morelli, cop turned bail jumper, for her cousin Vinnie's company. She questions "working girls" to find the missing girlfriend of vicious prizefighter Benito Ramirez while Joe secretly watches her back. Ranger mentors her and supplies vehicles when hers explode.
Why I Read This Book: I saw the preview for the movie of this one and decided to read the book first. It was a good choice, because the movie wasn't great!
Review: I found this book to be engaging. A lot of stuff happens, which is exciting, and its sometimes predictable, but not always. The book was fast paced, and witty, and had a good story line. It wasn't amazing, but it was good. I read it while on the plane, and didn't get bored. Even though there isn't much else to do on the plane, if I have a non-engaging book I can get bored easily. This was a good read for that.
If you watch Dexter, I was picturing Joe as Joey Quinn from that show. I pictured Stephanie as Hilda from Ugly Betty. I watched the movie afterward and thought Katherine Heigl was ok, but my mental casting was better :)