So, I know I'm totally off my schedule, but unfortunately it is going to remain that way for the foreseeable future as well. I'm totally crazy busy these days that when I have some down time, I don't ever want to spend it sitting in from of the computer! So, I'm sorry, but you won't be hearing much of me for the next 2 months!
I did want to get this wrap up post done though, because I am still trying to be serious about all the challenges I have taken on this year, so here's what I managed to consume during the month of January, versus what I was "supposed" to read.

I haven't actually posted reviews for any of them yet, so I won't be able to link up on the 2013 TBR Reading Challenge, but they are read, so I feel rather accomplished over it. Life of Pi was on my official challenge list for the 2013 TBR Pile Reading Challenge, and Shiver was my January book for the Monthly Key Word Challenge.
Supposed to Have Read
Well, there is only two challenges that go by each month, so those are really the only ones that I can fail this early on. I was supposed to have read Marked for the Paranormal reading challenge, and I'm only about 1/3 of the way through it, but at least I have started it, so I'll consider that a 'pass' anyway, maybe now a 'win', but a pass. Also, I'm about half way through Clash of Kings which is on my list for the 2013 Sequel Challenge as well, so that's pretty good. It's a really long book and it took a bit of a back burned when I realized how few days were left in January and I still had to read both Shiver and Marked.

February Plans
For February, obviously I want to finish both Marked and Clash of Kings, and I will want to read P.S I love You and Clockwork Prince as they are my February books, but my complete goal are these:

In February I have to fly to Toronto, fly back to St. John's, and fly to Chicago so I will have lots of plane time which = lots of reading time in February, so I think I can handle all these! That way I will have a least one, and in many cases more than one, book crossed of every challenge list! And it's really only 6 books because I'm already half done the first two! Totally manageable :)
Happy Reading everyone!